Wednesday, March 5, 2014

Insomnia, Types of Insomnia & Cures of Insomnia

It’s three AM at the big clock. But you are still awake. This is a known mental disorder and known as “Insomnia”. If you are thinking, insomnia is a disease, then you’re wrong. Doctors have never named it as a critical disease. When a person stays unslept whole night, tries to go to bed but can’t –means he has this mental disorder.

What is Insomnia?
The definition of insomnia normally refers to the irregular sleeping at night due to several causes. When a man approaches the age of 30, may face this acute problem very much. Don’t think that insomnia is only for over 30 year age. You may see young students study over the night and somehow they stay awake through the night. Without feeling sleepy, they make it as their habit. When they get a vacation from study or time to take rest can’t sleep properly. Sleeping pills are not the solution to have a nice morning. As a result, the students or the elders get mentally sick and this is known as insomnia. Insomnia leads to poor sleep and many side effects.

Types of Insomnia:
Insomnia is of different types. Many physicians give different theories of insomnia types. But basically one theory matches for everyone. This is, insomnia is three main types. These are the transient, chronic and short term insomnia. Some others are: adjustment, behavioral, idiopathic, due to drug or equivalent object, due to medical condition, nonorganic, organic, paradoxical, psychophysiological etc. insomnia.
Transient insomnia: The lowest risky insomnia is this transient insomnia. This insomnia happens for temporary period as the sufferer can’t sleep properly for a few days of the week.  It is triggered for the overwork, restless attending in business or other matters. This is the easier insomnia to cure.
Short term insomnia: Well. You may hear this word “short term” in many fields for many times. Deprivation of sleep remains for two or three weeks. This is potentially stronger than transient insomnia. A person suffering from fever, cold, or cough like diseases may have short term insomnia. Some natural insomnia cures can solve this problem.
Chronic insomnia: The ferocious insomnia in types is chronic insomnia. Maximum insomnia sufferers have this worst insomnia. This insomnia stays for longer than three weeks. Old people evade from sleep and face this insomnia for longer time. They need to seek for doctor and take proper medicines to cure from insomnia.
The other types of insomnia occur for irregular activities such as improper medication, changing residence to the newer place etc.

Causes of insomnia:
You may see various causes of insomnia. Sleeplessness is the first and foremost reason of insomnia. Staying awakens for whole night cause severe insomnia. Working under bright light, studying at night decreases the power of the eyes. This reduces the level of sleeping.
Sleeping at late night and rising lately from bed, let you sleep untimely. This makes your brain idle and can cause the insomnia. After little war, you may have sleepy eyes, but you get woken from the sleep for many times. Awakening from sleep for many times cause insomnia.
Depression, sadness, or always negative thinking has a bad impression on the body and mind. These impressions may cause your traumatic unbearable happenings. Changing the residence is a small case of insomnia. While you are moving to a new place, you may not be able to meet or move with newer environment. This is a mental depression. That is why, you won’t be able to sleep over night.  Again, if you get over-excited, anxious or run through stress can cause insomnia.
You did take part in a race event and get hurt while you were running. This physical disability may be the reason for sleeplessness. You will think how did you fall into a trap and did lose the race. This will break your health and mind.
Drugs and other equivalent objects weaken body cells and brain cells. This creates bad impact on the body. Some drugs won’t let you have good tension-free sleep. For this reason, you seek for proper sleep but can’t.
Sleeping pattern is one reason for insomnia. Sometime many of you can’t sleet for the bed or sleeping style. Improper sleeping methods cause a man rise suddenly from the bed.
Causes of insomnia are similar like above. You may see more cases of insomnia beside you.

Symptoms of insomnia:
You have seen the causes of insomnia in the above paragraph. Now you will see the symptoms of insomnia.
Seemingly an insomnia sufferer has the symptom of sleeplessness. He tries and tries, but it doesn’t work. He goes to bed and gets back to work. Again, if he wins to sleep in anyway, but wakes up after a few minutes or within a couple of hours. He has pain in the head and still work in the bright light at late night.
He can’t sleep for several nights. He wakes up lately from the bed. If you talk with him, he is seemed as he is in depression, thinking negative in every matter. You can’t see a smile on his face. You have tried enough to smile him, but you can’t. All these are the sign of an insomnia sufferer.
Young or elder people who take drugs start wrong behave with others. Sometimes they are seen out of home in the night. They might have insomnia problems.
Insomnia sufferers think that they are out of society or family. They want or feel that they have become self-dependent. They can’t work timely.
Insomnia means the irregular human life. An insomnia sufferer will do what they really don’t want.

Results of insomnia:

  •           This damages brain cells and breaks health.

  •            Insomnia keeps oneself out of natural life.

  •           Insomnia sufferers can’t do work timely.

  •           They can’t rise from the bed in the early morning.

  •          Insomnia keeps pressure on the eyes. As a result, eye power gets lower.

  •          Insomnia increases depression, stress anxiousness.

  •          Insomnia makes a man alone.

Cures of Insomnia:
·         As you can see, few types of insomnia depend on a man’s behavior. So, he should change his practical life to come out from insomnia. A man can solve insomnia problem in basic steps. He should try to go early in the night and rise early in the morning.
       There is a poem-
Early to bed and early to rise
Makes a man healthy, wealthy and wise

       These two lines will help you to understand the way to overcome the insomnia.
·         Try to do your daily activities in the correct time. You can keep the hard or heavy works for the day and lighter for the night. This will reduce your workload. This also reduces the pressure of mind.
·         Do not work brighter or darker light in the night. This changes the eye power. If you need to do urgent works, try to do them quickly and carefully.
·         Don’t feel tension if you can’t sleep. Because tension increases the blood pressure. This is a reason for having insomnia.
·         Go for a tour every week for a short time in the fresh air. This will keep your mind healthy and fresh. You won’t look dull anymore. This will let you have a sound sleep.
·         Change your sleeping patterns. This will help you to stay far from insomnia.
·         Take breaks during daily activities. Relentless time will make your body tired. If you work all-time of the day and night, you will must suffer from insomnia.

If all above ways do not work, you can ask doctors for a better solution. They will help give sleeping pill or other medicines.

Hope, this article will help you to know about “Insomnia”. If you like this writing, please don’t forget to comment here. Thanks.

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